The Title- Speak
What happens- The film is set in multiple flashbacks. We begin with what the audience believe as an ending of a diary entry, followed by a massive ‘crack sound’. It is then rewound back into an altercation between our main character and intoxicated mother, showing a very abusive relationship, and showing the protagonist in their room, trying to cope with feeling depressed (unloved/unwanted/abused). We are then shown another flashback of our main protagonist being bullied and beaten to a pulp (through dialogue we know this is not the first time). Back to their room, where it seems this time, there’s no way of coping, uncontrollable tears until... they stop abruptly. We are then shown back to the first scene, where we realize, it’s no longer a diary entry, but a suicide note. We then see the ‘crack sound’ of the young protagonist hanging themselves, breaking their neck.
Message- Speak out if you’re suffering from abuse.
Mother- Addicted to pills and alcohol. Her background has unfortunately been rough, dabbling in prostitution, drugs, etc. She’s well known for being with different men and an overall bad influence on her daughter. Although she temporarily got her life back together, with a job and a new flat, she’s recently been made redundant putting her back on the road to destruction and addiction, worse than ever. Thus taking out her anger and frustration on what she believes to be, the biggest mistake she made- having her daughter.
Main Character- Dealing with an alcoholic mother and constant bullying by peers, our main character is a victim in every shape and form. Viewing firsthand through her mother the ‘wrong side of life’, she has been determined to make something of herself, working hard and focusing. She’s coped with bullying and bad treatment most of her life with ex-boyfriends of her mothers, and never really making any friends, however she believes she can cope with it, on her own, like she always has done. But abuse daily, from everyone, everywhere takes its toll on our poor victim who’s coping has subsequently failed now. Tired of being alone, unwanted, unloved, and just not good enough, she feels life is just not worth living anymore, and ends her life to ends the pain and torture of her daily life.
Bullies- Group of 5 girls whose aim in life just seem to be, to make (name)’s life miserable. Picking on everything she does, says, and everything she doesn’t do and doesn’t say. They bully her appearance, sexuality, mother’s reputation, the fact she doesn’t know who her father is, they steal her money, her work, her cherished item(maybe a necklace or ornament) . They’re angry, intimidating and very threatening, as theyre very tall, giving off a sense of cold heartedness.